Sunday, July 29, 2012
References and Links: Impact of Social Networking Sites on Political change around the world
1. Twitter Revolution: Addressing Social Media and Dissent
christian christensen, Dept of Information System and media, The Communication Review,
BRIIFS vol. 4 no 2
Philip E. Agre
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 96% of 18-29 year olds and three-quarters (75%) of teens now own a cell phone, 88% of whom text, with 73% of wired American teens using social networking websites, a significant increase from previous years.[35] doi/abs/10.1080/10714421.2011. 597245
christian christensen, Dept of Information System and media, The Communication Review,
Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011, Special Issue: Twitter Revolutions? Addressing Social Media and Dissent
Skinner, J. (2011). "Social Media and Revolution: The Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement as Seen through Three Information Studies Paradigms," .Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 11(169). |
3.Social Media & Protest: A Quick List of Recent Scholarly Research
4. Fandy, Mamoun. “Information Technology, Trust, and Social Change in the Arab World.” Middle East Journal 54, no. 3 (Summer 2000) : 378-94.
BRIIFS vol. 4 no 2 (Autumn/Winter 2002)
6. Fandy think Tank Important and interesting papers on the Arab world
7.Information Technology in the Political Process
Philip E. Agre
Department of Information Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
8. University of Berkley, California
Digital Communication and Political Change in China
Whitman College
University of California at Berkeley
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 96% of 18-29 year olds and three-quarters (75%) of teens now own a cell phone, 88% of whom text, with 73% of wired American teens using social networking websites, a significant increase from previous years.[35]
Social media includes web- and mobile-based technologies which are used to turn communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities, and individuals.
According to Kaplan and Haenlein there are six different types of social media: collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter), content communities (e.g., YouTube), social networking sites (e.g., Facebook), virtual game worlds (e.g.,World of Warcraft), and virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life). Technologies include: blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, crowdsourcing andvoice over IP, to name a few.
The rise of new media has increased communication between people all over the world and the Internet. It has allowed people to express themselves through blogs, websites, pictures, and other user-generated media.
societal changes are instigated by technological development
New Medi as a catalyst for social change:
Interpersonal media as "one to one", Mass media as "one to many", and finally New Media as Individuation Media or "many to many".
This restriction of opinion does not allow us to see its existence in mediated communication forums.
According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 96% of 18-29 year olds and three-quarters (75%) of teens now own a cell phone, 88% of whom text, with 73% of wired American teens using social networking websites, a significant increase from previous years.[35]
Many to Many:
The WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 protest activity was another landmark in the use of New Media as a tool for social change. The WTO protests used media to organize the original action, communicate with and educate participants, and was used as an alternative media source.[18
]New Media has also recently become of interest to the global espionage community as it is easily accessible electronically in database format and can therefore be quickly retrieved and reverse engineered by national governments
New media "radically break the connection between physical place and social place, making physical location much less significant for our social relationships" (Croteau and Hoynes 2003: 311).
Globalisede societies
"Virtual communities" are being established online and transcend geographical boundaries, eliminating social restrictions.
People in virtual communities use words on screens to exchange pleasantries and argue, engage in intellectual discourse, conduct commerce, make plans, brainstorm, gossip, feud, fall in love, create a little high art and a lot of idle talk" (Rheingold cited in Slevin 2000: 91)
Cyberculture is the various social phenomena that are associated with the Internet and network communications (blogs, online multi-player gaming)
Virtual Communities
Twitter revolution, cyber culture, Facebook revolution, new media, social media, death of distance
Cyber culture : New Phenomena:
Social Media consumer generated media
Blending of technology and social interaction
Special Issue: Twitter Revolutions? Addressing Social Media and Dissenthttp://www.tandfonline.
societal changes are instigated by technological developmentImportant references and links custom_files/volume1_issue2/ articles_in_english/volume1- issue2-article-3-27.pdf
Discourses of Technology and Liberation: State Aid to Net Activists in an Era of “Twitter Revolutions”
Twitter Revolutions? Addressing Social Media and Dissent
The Communication Review
Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011
Special Issue: Twitter Revolutions? Addressing Social Media and Dissenthttp://www.tandfonline. com/na101/home/literatum/ publisher/tandf/journals/ content/gcrv20/2011/gcrv20. v014.i03/10714421.2011.597235/ production/10714421.2011. 597235.fp.png_v03
The Agonistic Social Media: Cyberspace in the Formation of Dissent and Consolidation of State Power in Postelection Iran
In this article an attempt is made to rethink the phenomenon of emerging social media, not merely as a means of communication, but as social space wherein confrontational activities of political significance take place. How do political movements manifest new forums, promoting or resisting state power through social networking sites such as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, or YouTube? How do states exert authority in the realm of digital activism? Unrest over official election results in Iran represents a case in which social media sites shape distinct sites wherein dissent is virtualized to challenge authoritarian rule, both offline and in cyberspace. Such cyberspaces of protest should be viewed in close connection with online governance through which the state can exert authority through surveillance operations, propaganda, and hacktivism. Online social media are agonistic arenas where information, ideas, values, and subjectivities are contested between (uneven) adversaries, and where new contexts could potentially emerge for new ways of doing politics.
Important references and links custom_files/volume1_issue2/ articles_in_english/volume1- issue2-article-3-27.pdf
Discourses of Technology and Liberation: State Aid to Net Activists in an Era of “Twitter Revolutions”
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