Today I went to IBA library and got two three titles i-e Malakand War by winston churchill, Quran aur bible ke des men and History of Arabs by Philips Hitti. Quran aur bible ke des men was a formal and useless travelogue of some places and I read it along the way home.
Malakand war and History of the Arbas seems interesting.
Apart from these, I also have a cursory look at Tarikh Ibn Khaldoon and Tarikh-e-Tabari but these were reference books not to be issued. However the incharge there told me, if u wanna issue, discuss some authority. Let's see what's next.
I am reading "Farooq-e-Azam" now a days by Hussain Haikal for the Hisory lecture preparation. And have decided to maintain this blog by whatever I read.